Ashlee Sierra

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Take an INTJ personality type, plenty of content marketing know-how and a whole lot of memes, and who do you get?

Silvia Liu, that’s who!

Originally from Sydney, Australia, this star Content Marketing Strategist (CMS) now lives in Rancho Cucamonga, California — but she hasn’t forgotten her roots. “I don’t care what anyone says: Vegemite is delicious and coffee is superior in Australia,” she says.

While she settles for mediocre coffee in the U.S., Silvia puts her analytical chops to work as the beating heart of Brafton projects. But she’s not just a strategist — she’s also a hard worker, creative thinker and our resident meme historian.

The Magic of Marketing

It didn’t take long for Silvia to realize she had a mind for marketing. “I’ve always loved collecting ads, whether it’s online or old print ads,” she explains. “I have a framed Coke ad from the 60s!”

But it wasn’t just collectibles that sparked Silvia’s passion. She’s also an INTJ — a Myers-Briggs personality type known for having creative, analytical minds and coming up with innovative solutions. (She’s not afraid to admit that she shares a personality type with Thanos.)

Silvia’s marketing mind brought her to an Australian property management software company called PropertyMe. As their Digital Marketing Manager, she helped the company grow from a minor player to the #1 solution in Australia and New Zealand. When PropertyMe considered expansion into the U.S., Silvia said goodbye to superior coffee and headed over to California.

That’s where she was when she discovered Brafton on LinkedIn. “I had never worked at an agency before and I was keen to learn from the best and brightest in the industry,” she says.

Since then, she’s become a Brafton superstar. In October 2021, she even won a strategy competition at the Boston CMS Summit, where she showed off her ability to juggle elements like traffic lift estimates, keyword universes and storytelling in presentations. Her award: an Amazon gift card, which, as legend says, was used to establish a 12-story meme repository off the coast of California.

But that’s top-secret, so you didn’t hear it from me.

A Meme Historian (and CMS) at Work

When Silvia isn’t adding to her meme repository, she’s hard at work making marketing magic for clients and teammates alike. “I like to set up all my call notes and send out all my agendas in the morning while I’m having coffee,” she says. “Then it’s jumping from call to call to make sure projects are moving ahead, forward planning for upcoming campaigns and measuring and reporting on success.”

Although Silvia is in the Pacific time zone, most of her contacts are on the East Coast — which means she gets to turn that 3-hour difference into focus time in the afternoons. She spends this time putting together strategies and reporting, working on inclusive services and catching up on emails.

She says her favorite thing about Brafton — other than the fact that we all speak meme, of course — is the culture. “Everyone is so smart, welcoming, supportive and inclusive. No question is considered a stupid question — and trust me, I have a LOT of questions, all the time.”

Silvia says Brafton not only talks the talk, but walks the walk. “Most recently, we were offered unlimited training via Udemy, free lunches via DoorDash and additional PTO days,” she says. “P.S. We have lots of open spots, so join us!”

A Little Help From a Micromanager

In between masterminding Brafton projects and catching up on industry trends, Silvia is always keeping busy. During the cooler months, she rock-climbs at Joshua Tree National Park — “The sunsets are magical out there!”

When the weather gets warm, Silvia retreats inside to paint, where she’s watched over by a furry micromanager: her little dog Brownie. “Get it?” she says. “Because he’s small? Ha…ha….”

In fact, Silvia was so inspired by Brownie’s unflinching commitment to her success that she painted his portrait. Here he is alongside the masterpiece he inspired:

Now both the real Brownie and his painted counterpart watch over Silvia while she works. It’s all just a day in the life of an incredible coworker, star CMS and top-secret meme repository historian: Silvia Liu, who would never snap her fingers and eliminate half the universe like her fellow INTJ. (Right, Silvia?)