Lauren Kaye

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Industry: Enterprise software
Strategy: Blog content
Highlights: Conversions tripled

There are many industries and businesses in which conversions are plentiful, but relatively cost-effective. Then there are others, where conversions are few and far between, but extremely pricey. The difference can be as stark as a company that sells pens considering a $2 purchase a conversion, and a business that provides enterprise software closing a deal worth several thousand dollars or more.

Marketers in the latter category may not know brand content can serve as a powerful assist when pushing prospective buyers through the sales funnel, but one Brafton client demonstrates how regular blogging helps enterprise software companies generate more conversions online.

Blogs for better engagement

The company partnered with Brafton to receive custom content about topics that its core audience cares about: quality assurance, test management and automation. It quickly became clear the target audience wanted this information because the company began seeing engagement metrics improve on a quarterly basis.Blog content can interest tough crowds to generate qualified leads.

People who came to the site to read blog posts started to stay longer – nearly 30% longer. Visitors were also reading about four more pages per session, and averaging five pages per visit. This is the kind of stickiness brands want to see once they’ve moved past initial SEO goals. It means the site is bringing in the right kind of traffic, and those visitors are clicking around because they’re interested in what the company is saying. On top of that, it gives brands more time to make a case about why their products and services are smart solutions.

Content fuels conversions

All of those metrics look good in analytics reports, but the figure that matters most to marketers is the number of conversions. This company witnessed its conversions triple between Q2 and Q3.

This company witnessed its conversions triple between Q2 and Q3.

Of course, there are always seasonal and annual fluctuations to consider when determining whether an outcome is the result of a marketing campaign. Yet the evidence suggests the increase in website visitors and positive engagement trends do in fact mean the campaigns are producing bottom-line results.

In the enterprise software field, where it might only take a few deals to meet sales goals for the quarter, a handful of warm leads can make the difference between being in the red or black. A strategic blogging campaign may be just the fuel these brands need to hook the best prospects to keep the sales pipeline filled with valuable opportunities.